
Taylor N.

Alumnus at Albion College

Class of 2018

Current: Simi Valley, CA

Major: Kinesiology

What is your most meaningful place on campus?

Most meaningful place on campus is my house that I am living in right now. I have a few of my closest friends living with me.

Why did you chose Albion?

I chose Albion because it was my home. I cam all the way from California on a visit during Homecoming and it felt good to be here. I met some of the awesome people and everyone was very welcoming.

What's your favorite class at Albion?

My favorite class is Gross Anatomy.

A few of my life goals are...

To see the world. I would like to become a paramedic.

I'm passionate about...

Movies Snowboarding Dogs Traveling

I'm involved with...

Women's Lacrosse Alpha Xi Deta Sorority Healthcare Institute Game Day Management
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