
Katherine F.

Alumnus at Albion College


Class of 2024

Current: Grosse Pointe Woods, MI

Hometown: Grosse Pointe, MI

Major: Psychology

Minor: Communications

A few of my life goals are...

Graduate college, be able to provide for myself and for a family one day and to be happy!

What is your most meaningful place on campus?

The Dow, our athletic complex, being an athlete and spending so much time there, it has gained a special place in my heart where I have some of my hardest moments and some of my best moments.

What's your favorite class at Albion?

My favorite class so far has been my abnormal psychology class. With psychology being my major, it is a pleasure to learn more about the different and most interesting sectors of psychology.

Why did you chose Albion?

The environment provided by the faculty and students gave me the gut feeling that I could see myself being successful here.

I'm passionate about...

Swimming Learning New Languages quality time with friends

I'm involved with...

Women's swimming Alpha Xi Deta Sorority
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