
Austin T.

Alumnus at Albion College

Class of 2018

Current: Ann Arbor, MI

Major: Psychology

Secondary Major: Communication

A few of my life goals are...

I am very interested in Marketing and Public Relations so I am hoping to enter one of those fields post graduation

What's your favorite class at Albion?

Industrial Organization is where I met my favorite professors on campus.

What is your most meaningful place on campus?

Admissions office because this is where I took my first steps of independence.

Why did you chose Albion?

Albion felt like home from the second I stepped foot on campus. Albion had all of the advantages and opportunities I was looking for when I was looking for a college and I believe I made the right decision going here!

I'm passionate about...

Football Friends and Family Outdoor Activities

I'm involved with...

Senior Class Gift Committee Students Engaged in Personalized Philathropy
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