Alumnus at Albion College
Class of 2019
Current: Naperville, IL
Major: Communications
Secondary Major: Psychology
Minor: Management
The small campus feel was so welcoming and offered the opportunity to be more than a number. The academics, while challenging, are second to none and promised to prepare me for the real world. The people here, from the professors to the students, are so kind and really do care about each other (especially my Cross Country and Track team). Albion is a college that's on the rise and I wanted change my experience here for anything in the world.
To live a happy and healthy life and be the person I want to be. I'd also like to have a loving wife and kids, a career in Public Relations, a nice house with a pool, two dogs and to create a U2 tribute band.
In all seriousness, there are too many classes I've loved having here at Albion to just pick one.
The Kellogg Center. I have some many great memories spending time there with friends talking and watching events and even performing myself.