
Karragen R.

Alumnus at Albion College


Class of 2023

Current: Angola, IN

Major: Biology

Minor: Management

A few of my life goals are...

At this point in my life, my main goal is to apply and get accepted into Veterinary School! The journey hasn't been easy, but I know in the long run it will be so worth it when I finally earn my D.V.M! I will forever be grateful for Albion for supporting me along this journey :)

Why did you chose Albion?

As a Pre-Vet student, I wanted to find the college that would support and assist me the most in preparing me for graduate school. I fell in love with Albion's Wilson Institute of Medicine, our institute for all pre-health care students. I was visiting Albion as a senior in high school, and I had the head director of the institute sit me down and figure out a class plan for my next four years. This meant so much to me, as I was always just considered another "number" during my college visits. At Albion though, before even being a student, I felt seen and important. Now, as a junior, I am coming to my time to apply to Veterinary school and I can't imagine not being in the Wilson as I wouldn't be where I am today without them.

What is your most meaningful place on campus?

The Science Complex! I normally have two or more of my classes in this building each semester. Not only are my classes normally here, but my professors office are in this building, and some of my favorite study spots are here too. I'm honestly here more than anywhere else on campus. I've definitely had lots of happy moments in this building, but also a lot of low moments to be honest. But, there is still a supportive and loving atmosphere in the building as everyone is in the same struggle boat but we're all in it together!

What's your favorite class at Albion?

My favorite class here at Albion has most definitely been my Invertebrate Zoology course. We spent the semester studying every and all invertebrates in the world. This is a topic I'm unfamiliar with as like most people, I was more familiar with vertebrates. We would have live organisms during every lab, and constantly had hands on experiences. This helped me learn the information first hand as I could physically see the organisms in front of me. Dr. Cahill was also so amazing and really helped to assist all her students with the class materials.

I'm passionate about...

Horseback Riding Athletics Working Out hammocking Trying new coffee shops!

I'm involved with...

Wilson Institute for Medicine Equestrian Team Harrington Elementary Mentor Program Alpha Xi Deta Sorority Pre Vet Club Gift of Life College Republicans
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