Alumnus at Albion College
Class of 2019
Current: Waterford, MI
Major: Exercise Science
Minor: Communication
Some of my favorite classes are my FYE class, First Year Experience and my biomechanics class. I think my FYE class helped my transition into Albion a lot easier. My biomechanics class was fun because I learned a lot in the class and was able to apply it to my sport.
I choose Albion because it felt like home. My Albion tour was amazing and fun. I learned a lot and pictured myself here.
My most meaningful place on campus is the Kappa Delta lodge. I love this space because its filled with my favorite things and people that I can always turn to when I'm stressed.
A few of my goals are to be confident with anything that I do. I think that if I am confident in something happiness will come along in my life.