
Austin T.

Alumnus at Albion College

Class of 2019

Current: Farmington Hills, MI

Hometown: Farmington Hills, MI

Major: Economics and Management

Secondary Major: Communication

Minor: Gerstacker; Accounting

What's your favorite class at Albion?

Social Movements, Human Communications, Intro to Tech Design

Why did you chose Albion?

Small campus, location, opportunities, sports, major, and people/family vibes

What is your most meaningful place on campus?

Bonta Admissions Office or Kresge Gymnasium

A few of my life goals are...

Get a job that I love to do and that will pay well, have a great family that I love to be around, enjoy my happy life, and make a difference in others life.

I'm passionate about...

Listening to Music Video Games Money making a difference Leadership My Religion

I'm involved with...

Playing Basketball Gerstacker Black Student Alliance Tour Guide
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